Sunday, February 7, 2010

Online Learning

This is my first online class. I am a hands on learner and never felt that this format would assist me in learning. I am teaching my first online class next fall. I wanted to take this course to see what the students feel and also to pick up some tips and techniques of teaching online. I was glad to read that results show "no significant difference" in distance education and face-to-face learning (from our reading). So far, I am having fun designing my own blog and plan to use one in my first class. I look forward to my online experience. Thanks for the thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. The blog looks great. Good work. The internet these days is a TV, a book, a journal, a phone conversations, a face to face conversations (skype) and it can also record, like a tape recorder. It is a "format" with many faces, including the one we have long used: the book. As a tool to help us learn, it has great potential.
